October 30, 2012

Today's Life Lesson..don't be a judgemental bitch, please.

As of today, I have been alive 10,445 days. That's 15,040,800 minutes. Over 900 million seconds and probably over a billion when I'm done with this post. I don't know everything and haven't experienced everything in this big, wide crazy world we live in. But in my 10,445 days, I do however know that people are not perfect in any way, shape, or form and denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Are you the Queen of Denial?

We all come from different places (Ok..yes, even Egypt). Different backgrounds. Some people grew up eating blueberry pancakes for breakfast as a kid, going to private school, and alternating between tennis lessons, soccer practice, riding lessons and ice skating after school. Other people grew up on pop tarts, instant breakfast, and sometimes even ::gasp:: school food. After school, it was off to daycare with a small herd of other rowdy hellions to spend a few hours hanging like monkeys on the jungle gym, playing dodge ball, and usually scheming ways to pull a good one on the daycare teacher.


I was lucky enough to have a mixture of both. Had more than my fair share of instant breakfast and pop tarts, but had the good stuff on the weekends. Went through the regular rotations of tap, dance, gymnastics, ballet. Spent hours on the tennis court with my Mom. Made more memories than I can remember getting blisters from the monkey bars and rolling around on the playground. Even played on the bulldozer with my Dad. And finally moved to spending my afternoons at the horse barn, which is a whole book of stories in itself.

Overall, I think I turned out to be a pretty good person. I try to be nice, even though I can be the complete opposite at times. I try to help people as much as I can, purely for the satisfaction of knowing I made a difference and hoping that instead of owing a favor, they will continue to "pay it forward".

I also try to be fair and not judge. It's very hard at times to not make little quippy comments about people we don't necessarily care for or a jealous of or people who we are angry with and even people who have never done a single thing to deserve it. 

Judgmental Bitches

I think the hardest thing I struggle with is not being a judgmental bitch. We all struggle with this - first of all, realizing it, secondly, trying not to be one and third, trying not to have thoughts of off-ing all the rest. I am definitely, absolutely, undeniably sure it has been innately-bred into women. And my vote for the nastiest of all of us are the lovely women of the South. Charming, primped, polished. Born and raised to smile and wave, bake and cook, be the perfect wife and mother. And if the lucky ladies who have been transplanted from other parts of the country did not have this bitchy spark when they arrived, give it a few months in the thick Southern air and they'll be a raging inferno of a Class A Judgmental Bitch.

So, now back to the 10,445 day life lesson. Try to be a better person. Don't be a judgmental bitch. When someone has a nice bag, give them a compliment. Don't say 'oh, I love your bag! Where do you work again? What do you do for a living?" It's none of your business, Judgmental Bitch. And, as satisfying as it would be to see someone's face if you tell them you work as stripper named Candy Apples, just smile and say thank you. Be satisfied with who you are, and if you're not happy with yourself, do something. 


“I think it would be funny to have one of those family decals showing a really skinny teenage girl barfing into a little chalk-outline bag (the bulimic in the family) or the dad figure dressed in the woman's underwear that he truly enjoys slipping into when no one's looking. Or the wife figure smiling with her exaggerated curly hair and tennis skirt, clutching a racket in one hand and a bottle of Stoli' in the other.” 
― Celia RivenbarkBelle Weather: Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Scattered Hissy Fits

Truth is, and pardon the expression, but we all put our pants on the same way..one leg at a time, and, Queen or not, there is no denying that.

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